Are You Living Big Enough At Work?

When you fall asleep at night, do you feel like you got the most out of your workday? Or do you constantly feel like you left something on the table?

With over 365 days of research and hundreds of professional women surveyed, we’ve developed the ThriveFive — five non-negotiables for thriving and living BIG at work. Take our quiz to reveal your Thrive Archetype (the core of your work personality), ThriveFive scores, and tips for upping the ante in your career!
Get Started

After living and breathing a project for the past three months, it’s time to roll it out to your executive team. On the day of your big presentation, you find out your boss has cut you out of the meeting and she’s going to present your work. How would you realistically respond?

What emoji captures how you feel about Mondays?

What movie or TV show best represents your company culture?

You are

The Connector

Your Thrive POWER: Building Relationships

You’re a woman who knows how to rally the team. You connect with people on a human level and develop strong relationships that inspire collaboration and camaraderie. People love working with you because you make sure that everyone’s ideas are heard and respected. It should come as no surprise that you’re a pro at helping teammates grow, because you’ve learned from the best in your own professional mentors.

Your empathy, leadership (out loud or by example), and ability to build a strong team will ensure you continue winning the thriving game!

You are

The Feeler

Your Thrive POWER: Passion

You’re a woman who knows her purpose. “Know Thyself” could be your mantra, and that self-exploration allows you to see the bigger picture around your day-to-day tasks. You’re highly engaged in your work, and that passion fuels and energizes you every single day. You’re the living, breathing, kickass embodiment of the saying, “Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life!”

Your passion, creativity, and strong sense of identity are what keep you at the top of the thriving game!

You are

The Negotiator

Your Thrive POWER: Strong Sense of Self-Worth

You’re a woman who knows her self-worth. You’re financially savvy and not afraid of a little negotiation. You have a firm (and accurate) grasp of how fabulous your work is and expect fair compensation for your output. You’ve also done the research and had the peer/mentor conversations to get a clear picture of your professional monetary value — kudos! Time is money, and you’re a rock star at ensuring it isn’t wasted on activities that undercut your value.

Your strong sense of self-worth, industry understanding, and ability to stand up for yourself (and what you deserve) keeps you at the top of the thriving game!

You are

The Guru

Your Thrive POWER: Self-Love

You’re a woman who has the self-love thing in the bag. You know all of you — the creative you, intelligent you, messy you, and even sometimes the crazy you. And guess what? You love every bit of yourself and bring it ALL to the table. You’re a master at carving out “me time” and maintaining a strong work/life balance, so you can focus on what’s important to you (raising children, traveling, working out, pursuing other passions) while also progressing in your career!

Your authentic style and alignment with your personal values, goals, and strengths are what keep you at the top of the thriving game!

You are

The Queen

Your Thrive POWER: The Feeling of Appreciation

You’re a woman who knows her value and everyone around you does too. Communication is one of your great strengths — you’re a master at walking that line between being direct and polite. You’re not afraid to voice your opinion and you’ll fight for causes that you believe in. But you also respect others, listen to their points of view, and work for what’s best in each situation — and others do the same in return. You’re highly respected and trusted by colleagues at every level, and their positive feedback and recognition fuels your drive to deliver great work.

Your confidence, communication skills, and courage to fight for your cause(s) have earned you a great reputation and keep you at the top of the thriving game!

How did you score on the Thrive Five?

Pay & Perks: 0 out of 10

Feeling valued by your company based on your salary, benefits, and perks.

Appreciation & Acknowledgment: 0 out of 10

Being heard, trusted, and recognized by colleagues at every level.

Meaning & Mattering: 0 out of 10

Working on projects that bring purpose, personal fulfillment, and growth.

Authenticity & Alignment: 0 out of 10

Quieting your inner critic, removing belief barriers, and setting boundaries.

Community & Collaboration: 0 out of 10

Valuing the efforts of others and developing relationships within the company.

Want to Thrive even more?

Click on the categories for tips on how to grow and thrive:


Pay & Perks

Tip 1: Budget
Regardless of how much money you make, without proper planning, any amount can feel like it’s not enough. That’s where budgeting can save the day. If your eyes roll when you hear the word “budget,” try adding these three fun, important categories into your monthly budget:

Pamper: The “Treat Yourself” fund — massages, manicures, gym memberships — the things that make you feel good.

Party: Think of it as the “Nights and Weekends” fund — social events, dinner with the girls, that writing class you’ve had your eye on, or a new wetsuit.

Plunge: For unexpected expenses (like parking tickets or car repairs) that could put a dent in your savings account.

Tip 2: Know Your Worth
Before you even think about discussing salary — whether it’s for a new job or upcoming promotion — you should have a number in mind of what you expect to earn. Do your homework: Research the average salary for your job type, level, and industry in your region. The most important thing, though, is to not only know your worth, but to truly believe that you deserve it.

Tip 3: Practice Negotiating
Negotiating salary or benefits isn’t easy, and it can be especially difficult for women. In general, women are less likely to ask for more money – but you can be the exception! Do your homework (see Tip 2), and be ready to stick up for yourself. Talk to peers and mentors about successful negotiating strategies they’ve used. Try practicing and fine-tuning your pitch in mock negotiations. And once you get in the room, don’t ask for permission to negotiate; jump right into it!


Appreciation & Acknowledgment

Tip 1: Get Cozy with Compliments
What happens when someone hits you with a big compliment? If it makes you want to flee the room, you’re not alone. It can be a tricky balance between craving praise and not feeling comfortable accepting it. If you’re unable to accept praise, overtime,you might begin to feel undervalued or underappreciated by those around you. So, to cozy up with compliments, try this: Just say thank you, be quiet, and absorb how it feels (it will get easier as time goes on, and even start to feel good!)

Tip 2: Unleash the Internal Validation
If you ever find yourself angry or annoyed because a colleague or boss didn’t show appreciation for your work, ask yourself: How can I celebrate and acknowledge my efforts? Usually, if we simply acknowledge and compliment our own work, the anger of annoyance will fade.

Tip 3: Start Giving Praise & Recognition
Once we start complimenting, acknowledging, and praising others, it opens the door for them to do the same. Try this: Start each day with three pennies in your right back pocket. Throughout the day, as you give a compliment, move a penny into your left back pocket. The goal is to have all the pennies in your left pocket by the end of the day!


Meaning & Mattering

Tip 1: Know Your Top 3 Values
Our values are the things that make us tick. They drive our decisions, whether we’re conscious of them or not. Write down your top 3 values on a piece of paper and keep it close by – stick it on your computer monitor or post it in your daily planner – as a constant reminder of what’s most important. Then, make sure your job and career decisions honor those top 3 values. Discover your values here

Tip 2: Supplement Your Passion
If you don’t find a deep level of meaning in your current job, don’t stress. For the time being, find ways to bring fulfillment and meaning into your life in other ways, whether that’s through volunteering, shadowing, learning new skills, or working on side-projects.

Tip 3: Follow the Bread Crumbs
Most of us want to find our passion and let it be the center of our career, but we’re lost when it comes to knowing what we truly feel passionate about. The first step to finding your passion is to start small and follow the breadcrumbs. Dive into things that light a little spark of excitement. Maybe it’s something that you used to do in high school (like playing soccer or the flute). Or writing, singing, coaching, throwing clay, underwater basket weaving. Carve out time and try it! If you hate it, stop. If you love it, keep going and follow the breadcrumbs. Free yourself from the pressure of having to be amazing at it, remember, you’re in it for the fun!


Authenticity & Alignment

Tip 1: Seek Authenticity, Not Popularity
Shift from speaking to please or impress others to speaking for yourself and honoring your opinions and ideas. Ask yourself: What is one area where I speak seeking popularity vs. sharing my true thoughts at work? Then, dig in and examine why you hold back in that area. Use that awareness to slowly, one conversation at a time, reveal the real you.

Tip 2: Start an “I’m Seriously Fabulous” Journal
At the end of the day, write down three things that you did during the workday that were awesome. Find a decorative notebook that you love or digitize your journal – use the Notes on your phone or a memo app to record your list. It’s about practice here, not perfection. If one of your awesome things was getting into the office half an hour early, write it down and celebrate it!

Tip 3: Name Your Inner Critic
Often, one of the biggest things that holds us back at work, is our inner critic. You know, that voice that always tells you why you’re not good enough. Or why you can’t do something. One way to separate yourself from the voice (and realize it’s not telling the truth) is to name it. Give it a silly name (not after someone you know) and a face – draw it, paint it, sculpt it – so you can identify it when it pops up. By doing so, you’ll start to separate from those limiting thoughts and honor your true self, who is capable of great things! Ready to work with your inner critic?


Community & Collaboration

Tip 1: Cozy Up to Networking
If you get a knot in your stomach when going to networking events – worried that you’re not interesting, successful, or experienced enough – try this: Take the focus off you. Start conversations with the goal of learning more about the person you’re talking to, rather than trying to impress them. Be curious, ask questions, actively listen. Come up with a funny goal for the event, like talk to three people wearing the color purple. The most important thing to know is that you’re worthy to be in that room!

Tip 2: Get a Mentor, Be a Mentor
Mentorship is a key contributor to your ability to thrive at work and grow in your career. Look for an executive within your own company that you admire and ask them to lunch. Or find someone on LinkedIn that has your dream job and reach out. Pick their brain about their career trajectory and strategies. Talk to them when you need advice about obstacles, negotiating, career moves. You can also learn so much and serve as a valuable resource by being a mentor to someone else!

Tip 3: Really Connect with Colleagues
Get to know your co-workers as people, on a deeper level than small talk or passing chit-chat. When we know and like someone on a personal level, we’re more likely to help them out (and vice versa) in times of need on a professional level. And better 8 relationships will improve collaboration and camaraderie for your whole team!

Head over to our resource page for more ideas & exercises!

Ready to thrive at work? Schedule a FREE 20 minute chat with Chelsea Szabo to discover how private Career & Personal growth coaching can help get you there.