
Have you ever walked into an office and felt excitement in the air?

Successful cultures aren’t accidental. They’re built with intention—making sure team members are equipped with the necessary soft skills to engage, perform, and thrive!

Hi, I’m Chelsea Szabo. I’m a certified executive coach and professional speaker/trainer who helps progressive companies create healthy work environments. I’ll educate and empower your employees to address the internal and external blocks limiting their professional success—so they can show up in their careers feeling clear and confident despite the inherent stresses of modern life.

I teach career-minded people how to do important and powerful things like: take care of themselves, listen and speak with authenticity, make aligned decisions, and share ideas with verbal courage when it matters most.



My talks and trainings connect with audiences on a deep level because they address the real issues that busy, career-minded people struggle with—in ways that are uplifting and profoundly transformative.



Theory-filled lectures are not my thing. I start conversations that crack open the simplest truths with stunning precision. Audiences participate and learn with exercises that feel innovative and fun!



Whether a 30-minute lunch & learn or a 2-day workshop, people will leave feeling like they’ve had an exciting mental reboot—with insights and actions they can immediately start implementing.


The reason my talks are so potent is because they’re founded in research and years of industry experience.

  • Co-founder of a global learning, development, and mentorship program that in two short years has empowered over a thousand women in over 25 countries.

  • Developed and led company-based career and personal growth coaching programs as well as on-site workshops and training programs for top tier organizations.

  • Certified through the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC) and accredited through the International Coaching Federation. Nearly a decade experience coaching hundreds of professionals at all career levels.

  • Led a year long search initiative including a team of seven to discover the themes and patterns of women who thrive professionally.

  • Led workshops and interactive programs to support members of local and national networking organizations.

  • Nearly a decade of sales and marketing experience.

Chelsea brings a thoughtful depth to her presentations, and really engages the participants in applying the lessons to their own lives and unique personal circumstances. I found the session to be very inspiring and I really got a lot out of it.
— Laura Small | VP & Director of People | RPA

I’ll customize the right talk for your event and tailor it to fit your audience.

Below are a few popular topics:










Building Workplace Confidence Workshop

Building Workplace Confidence

For many people, the voice of self-doubt has become so deeply ingrained they aren’t even aware they’re playing small (which is limiting their engagement in the overarching company mission). During this talk your team will explore the world of their inner critic. They’ll identify ways it’s holding them back in meetings, conversations, and their career. We’ll practice proven methods to break career-limiting vocal habits.


Revamping & Enhancing Team Communication

Do your employees have automatic communication assumptions? Here are a a few:

● Women don’t speak up
● Engineers are quiet
● Men speak too much
● Sellers talk too much

In this powerful workshop, we’ll break through communication assumptions and explore new ways of understanding our colleagues. We’ll redefine the strength of our voice and learn techniques to take responsibility for how we show up and optimize workplace conversations.


Maintaining Peak Performance At Work

In addition to their career demands, most professionals are juggling significant life complications such as: aging parents, young children, financial responsibilities, health issues, etc. And the stress of that is exhausting.

To achieve peak work performance, you need energy…lots of it. And that requires disciplined self-care (something many people feel guilty even considering).

In this workshop, attendees will learn about the limiting career potential of putting their emotional and physical wellness last on the list.

They’ll gain a new and energized perspective on self-care and its relationship to peak work performance. Together, we’ll identify hidden blocks holding people back from practicing self-care and I’ll teach mind-shifting tools to launch busy professionals into a regular and empowering practice of it.

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Communicating With Unshakable Confidence

Many professionals unknowingly stunt their career by holding back their ideas, opinions, input and knowledge. Whether with a boss, colleague, or client—the ability to speak with confidence is a crucial skill to workplace success.

In this workshop your team will explore the biggest challenges people face when speaking up and how to overcome them. We’ll also identify situations and conversation patterns when each participant automatically turns down their voice without realizing it. I’ll teach proven methods and tips to help unlock their courage and turn their voice back up!